Knowing that your pet may need surgery can be a scary time for you as a worried pet owner. At Caring Hands we believe that every pet is different and they should all have a customized anesthetic plan for their surgical procedure. All pets that will be going under anesthesia will have a preanesthetic examination with their veterinarian & lab work completed to ensure that they do not have any underlying abnormalities we may be unaware of.

Our Anesthetic and Monitoring Protocol
Once they are approved for surgery their veterinarian will create a customized anesthetic protocol for them. This plan will then be carried out by our dedicated trained surgical technicians. During all surgical procedures your pet will have an IV catheter w/ fluid administration, they will be fully monitored by a trained technician and electronic monitoring equipment. A dedicated team member will be with your pet until they are awake/ recovered from anesthesia. Most surgical patients will go home with you the same day as their procedure.
Common Surgical Services Offered
- Spay & Neuter
- Neutering is recommended for male dogs and cats to reduce wandering and inter-dog aggression (fighting). Health benefits for the dog include the elimination of the risk of testicular cancer and greatly reducing the risk of prostatic disease and cancer.
- Spaying is recommended to eliminate the chance of uterine infection and unwanted litters. Spaying a female dog or cat before their first heat almost reduces the chance of breast cancer later in life. There is still some protection for dogs against breast cancer if they are spayed before their second heat. Breast cancer is malignant 50% of the time in dogs and 95% of the time in cats.
- Mass removals
- Soft Tissue/Abdominal procedures
- Orthopedic procedures
- and more.